Meyer Burger拟为SolarWorld供应光伏电池片生产设备

Pubblicato su 09 mar 2015
Meyer Burger  SolarWorld 
SolarWorld has chosen the MAiA 2.1 equipment platform with the MB PERC technology from Meyer Burger to upgrade and expand its production of solar cells. Delivery and commissioning of the upgrade equipment will be completed by late 2015. The order value is in the upper single-digit million Swiss Francs range. 

Meyer Burger Technology Ltd announces the successful signing of a strategically important technology partnership with SolarWorld in Germany. Following an extensive on-site equipment evaluation process, SolarWorld selected Meyer Burger as the ideal technology partner to support their goal of increased high-tech solar cell production for the European market. With its industry leading MAiA 2.1 equipment and mass production scalable MB PERC upgrade cell technology, Meyer Burger is ideally positioned to deliver the solution required to upgrade and increase SolarWorld's existing manufacturing volume. The total annual capacity of the advanced MB PERC upgrade technology is about 400MW.

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Meyer Burger (Pannelli Fotovoltaici):
SolarWorld (Pannelli Fotovoltaici):
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