
Pubblicato su 28 nov 2017
Wärtsilä has received a letter of award for a 95,3MWp (75MWac) solar photovoltaic power plant in Nigeria.

The 75MWac output to the grid is expected to serve approximately 1.1 million households with electricity.

Marcus Heal, CEO of Pan Africa Solar said: "In Wärtsilä we have chosen an EPC partner with a track record of successfully delivering EPC power projects in Nigeria. Wärtsilä has the technical skills, understanding of the solar PV industry, and local presence that meets our requirements."

"Our contract bid was successful because we were able to bring added value to the project in various areas, including local support and technical advisory services. Pan Africa Solar and Wärtsilä are currently finalising the EPC contract and in the meantime, this letter of award is a major milestone," says Javier Cavada, President, Wärtsilä Energy Solutions.

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Wärtsilä (Installatori di Pannelli Solari): https://it.enfsolar.com/wartsila
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