U-Solar Clean Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

U-Solar Clean Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

208, 2nd Floor, The Excellency Building, No. 8 Papanna Street, St Mark's Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560001
Click to show company phone
India India

Informazioni Sullo Staff

Contatti Utili
Descrizione dell'azienda
U-Solar (www.usolar.in) is a clean energy enterprise specialising in Rooftop Solar PV solutions for institutional, retail and residential customers. We provide turnkey implementation of customised rooftop Solar PV systems for our customers’ energy requirements. U-Solar works with top manufacturers of system components from across the world and in India to deliver aptly engineered and highly efficient PV power plants for captive consumption.

Dettagli Aziendali

Data d'inizio dell'istallazione
Conservazione della Batteria
Taglia dell’ installazione
Piccole istallazioni, Grandi istallazioni MW
Aree in cui si opera
Ultimo Aggiornamento
18 dic 2023

Notizie sulle compagnie