Green Horizon PMI

Green Horizon PMI

Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah
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Descrizione dell'azienda

Green Horizon Vision is to provide innovative, cost effective and affordable solar energy technologies, solutions and supplies worldwide with the aim of empowering a billion lives using clean energy and creating a sustainable world as well as reducing environmental carbon footprint. Green Horizon is a Marketing and Distribution Company in Renewable Energy field with over 10 years of experience in solar international marketing, distribution, and procurement. It offers a wide range of high quality PV Modules, Inverters, Battery Storage, and other Protection Accessories with manufacturer warranties to its clients worldwide. Moreover, for customers convenience and satisfaction, Green Horizon also offers comprehensive value-added international logistics services.

Dettagli Aziendali

Quantita' minima ordinabile ($)
Copertura del Servizio
EAU, Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Etiopia, Iraq, Iran, Kenya, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Libano, Oman, Tanzania, Turchia, Turkmenistan, Thailandia, Somalia, Sudan, Arabia Saudita, Ruanda, Qatar
Data di fondazione
Lingue parlate
Lingua Araba, Inglese, Turkish
Distributore / Grossita
Distributore, Grossita


Dettagli Aziendali

Data d'inizio dell'istallazione
Anni di manutenzione gratuita
Conservazione della Batteria
Taglia dell’ installazione
Piccole istallazioni, Grandi istallazioni MW
Altri servizi
Valutazione, Disegno, Monitoraggio, Formazione
Aree in cui si opera

Medio Oriente
Ultimo Aggiornamento