Plus Solar Systems Sdn Bhd

Plus Solar Systems Sdn Bhd

L5-E-7A, Enterprise 4, Technology Park Malaysia, Lebuhraya Puchong - Sg. Besi, 57000, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur
+60 3 89942890
Malaysia Malaysia

Descrizione dell'azienda

Plus Solar Systems Sdn Bhd (+SOLAR) is a leading service provider in the Solar Photovoltaic (PV) system integration industry. Our belief is anchored on the Energy Trilogy™ of Energy Generation, Energy Efficiency and Energy Storage – which underscores our passion towards providing clean and sustainable energy solutions.

Dettagli Aziendali

Data d'inizio dell'istallazione
Taglia dell’ installazione
Piccole istallazioni, Grandi istallazioni MW
Altri servizi
Disegno, Monitoraggio
Aree in cui si opera
Ultimo Aggiornamento