Millennium Electric T.O.U. Ltd

Millennium Electric T.O.U. Ltd

11 Hasadna St., Raanana Industrial Zone, P.O. Box 2646, 43650
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Israele Israele

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Descrizione dell'azienda

Millennium Electric T.O.U. Ltd manufacturer and a world leader in the field of PV and PVT solar technologies. The company has installed about 17MW worldwide and has a capacity of 200 megawatt for manufacturing PV Mono/Poly crystalline panels of high efficiency.
Millennium is an Israeli based company with vast experience in the solar energy industry with representatives in the U.S.A., Africa and Europe.

The company develops, produces and sells solar electricity from Photovoltaic (PV) panels, solar PV applications, and the Multi Solar System. Millennium is a unique company with management that has over 24 years of unprecedented experience in the PV Solar Industry, having designed and installed many international projects in over 40 countries around the world. In addition, the company owns many international patents, related to the PV Solar Industry.

Dettagli Aziendali

Monocristallino, Policristallino
Fascia di Potenza(Wp):
pannelli con Design Innovativo
Fascia di Potenza(Wp):
Società Capogruppo
Millenniumsolar Inc & Amitec ltd

Dettagli Aziendali

Tipi di Componenti
Inverter, Sistema di Accumulo
Sistema di Accumulo
In Griglia, Fuori dalla Griglia
Power Range (kWp):
Società Capogruppo
Millenniumsolar Inc & Amitec ltd

Dettagli Aziendali

Conservazione della Batteria
Taglia dell’ installazione
Piccole istallazioni, Grandi istallazioni MW
Altri servizi
Valutazione, Disegno, Monitoraggio
Aree in cui si opera
Fornitori di pannelli
Società Capogruppo
Millenniumsolar Inc & Amitec ltd
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