IDES Energy

IDES Energy

6 Leitschbach, L-6751, Grevenmacher
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Informazioni Sullo Staff

Contatti Utili

Descrizione dell'azienda

IDES Hybrid battery storage systems are used in conjunction with panels to harness the abundant power of the sun, reduce a reliance on fossil fuels & bridge blackouts from the grid. Homeowners, businesses & utilities use IDES to increase the partake of renewable energy & foster a clean energy ecosystem. From your panels, IDES collect energy to buffer during cloud passing & for use in the evening.

Dettagli Aziendali

Tipi di Componenti
Sistema di Accumulo
Sistema di Accumulo
Fuori dalla Griglia, Standalone, Intelligente
AGM, Ioni di Litio, LFP (LiFePO4), Li-poly, Ibrida
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