Exide Technologies S.A.S.

Exide Technologies S.A.S.

5 Allée des Pierres Mayettes, 92230, Gennevilliers
Click to show company phone
Francia Francia

Dettagli Aziendali

Tipi di Componenti
Sistema di Accumulo
Sistema di Accumulo
Numero di venditori recensiti
Sistema di Accumulo 78 Rivenditori


Sistemi di Accumulo

  • Absolyte® GP 1...
  • Absolyte® GX 2...
  • Sonnenschein S...
  • Sonnenschein S...
  • Sonnenschein A...


Easy to access to the brand, lot of sellers. Good performance and quality, we didnt have any technical problems while we used these batteries. Definitely a good value for money.

-- Ábaco Ambiental, S.L.

We use these batteries because it is a really good brand that manufactures a high quality and is made in Spain.

-- Luz Verde Energia Solar

We like this brand because their products are made in Spain and because it is the best price - quality relation that we can find in the market nowadays.

-- Infrysol Instalaciones Frigoríficas y Solares S.L.U

We like Exide batteries because they have a really long life and they are very reliable.

-- Solartec Renewables

We use these batteries in most of our installations because we like this product, we think it is a very reliable brand of batteries. We are happy with this product so far.

-- Fernando Bengoetxea, Ekain Taldea

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