Earth Electric, Inc.

Earth Electric, Inc.

1702-L Meridian Avenue, #323, San Jose, CA, 95125
+1 4086 090 888
U.S.A. U.S.A.

Informazioni Sullo Staff

Contatti Utili

Descrizione dell'azienda

Earth Electric is a licensed and woman-owned electrical contracting company specializing in residential solar installation. We have been in the local San Jose, CA solar market since 2009 and share our experience with each and every customer, focusing on education rather than high pressure sales tactics. Founder and CEO, Sheryl Lane, is an industry insider and has led her company with integrity since the company's inception. We make solar simple. We look forward to making you the next happy customer.

Dettagli Aziendali

Conservazione della Batteria
Taglia dell’ installazione
Piccole istallazioni
Aree in cui si opera

Uffici Addizionali

1821 S. Bascom Ave #172
Ultimo Aggiornamento